Monday, December 26, 2011

Pope Christmas Party.

On December 10th we had a family christmas party at my Grandma Pope's (pictured above)
This is Wendell Pope
I act as the mother Mary in a nativity. Isaac is Joseph and Trevor was Jesus as a child.
Lincoln wanted to join in on the fun.

This is Kelsey, Analese, and Kade singing Away in a manger ( I think or maybe it was silent night)

TJ was dressed as one of the wise men. He wasn't too keen of the idea of wearing a womens dress;)

This is Joshua Salisbury. Next year he will be serving a mission in the Phillipines.

Sharon & Sachiko Salisbury

Kelsey brought her new laptop that she saved the money for and bought the day after thanksgiving. Trevor wanted to help push buttons.

Happy father, TJ

I think we wore Isaac out

Kirk and Jessica Salisbury chillin on the couch. Kade being Kade.

Lincoln was explaining to Kade the reindeer he saw outside.

Tyra Salisbury, who is attending BYU provo, was up in Logan for the party. She is great with Trevor.

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