Monday, January 23, 2012

Band-aids can't fix everything

One of my favorite stories growing up was when my brother Kirk split a worm in half and tried to get my mom to fix it with a band-aid. I thought it was so funny. Lincoln did a similar thing. He was trying to help himself get a dvd out to watch and snapped it in half. He hurries to the bathroom to retrieve a band-aid and hands the dvd to Isaac with a band-aid to fix it.

We told him that some things can't be fixed with a band-aid. Bummer... if only things were that simple. Needless to say he felt bad.


The Larchars said...

OK, the band aid cure... too cute! Grace recently started snapping dvd's in half too. It's driving me nuts! Too expensive to keep replacing at the rate they're being broken! Good luck with that at your house. :-)

Unknown said...

That it is pretty funny. Sofia has snapped one of ours too. Do you know that Disney will replace broken DVD's for like 6 or so bucks!? Love that little Lincoln guy.

Donene said...

Too bad band aids don't fix everything, wouldn't that be great!