This little guy is our newest addition to the family and we are so excited that he has finally come. He was born on Mary's due date Jan. 21st. He weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 inches long. We named him Lincoln Clark Jones because we wanted something original for a first name and Clark is Mary's Dad's name and it had a good ring to it, Lincoln Clark Jones. He is doing really well coping with life, he went from being fed, basically intravenously, in the womb to where he now has to let mommy know that he is hungry or needs to be changed. Big step up in responsibility for someone who is so new to the world. Mary and I have been so thankful for all the help, love and support that all our family and friends have shown us, so thank you. Above Lincoln sports a blue knitted hat from Mary's sister Lisa. Here Mary dresses him up like a teddy bear he fits the bill that's for sure, soft and cuddly.
Friday, February 6, 2009
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Wow, I can't beleive that there is a post, I figured you had given up, the pictures are cute but I wondered when I saw how you spelled Lincoln's name if that was how you were really spelling it but I think it was just a typo. I am glad that he is here and he is oh so cute.
FINALLY!!! He is such a cutie! Congratulations guys. He will be so old by the time I see him though. :( Keep the pictures and posts comin'!!
He is cute
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