Monday, October 27, 2008

True Aggie!

On October 24th, 2008 Isaac became a true aggie! I've been bugging him for a long time now that we should become true aggies together. He worked until 12:30am that night so when he got home we went and became a true aggie. Isaac's never been to true aggie night, and its quite the site if you've ever been. Definetly a must do :) It was fun for me, because it felt like the first kiss all over again. There's something about standing on a platform with a lot people around. It makes me nervous all over again.


Unknown said...

I went up to True Aggie night, but sad to say, I am NOT a true Aggie. :( I don't think Jon is either...I will have to ask him.

Donene said...

That is a great picture and you can't tell that you are pregnant. I think that is funny that he is a true aggie now. I guess it would be funnier if he was already a Dad and just became a true aggie. Mel and Jon will have to bring their 2 kids to watch Mom and Dad become true Aggies.