Monday, October 27, 2008

Fun at the Fun Park

We had Kace and Tydon for couple of days while Rachel and Nate were in Texas. We played Wii sport earlier that day and played some bowling. Later that night we decided to try the real thing. We didn't have Isaac's camera so I took pictures from my phone. We played in the soft play at the Fun Park. It was a giant playground for parents and kids. It was quite the task going through the various tunnels and slides with a basketball in my belly! Just for the Record. The first game with Isaac, Mac, Jes and I, I was the winner. With 88 points! Next game we won't mention. I had some side distractions, otherwise, I don't think Mac would have won. :)

True Aggie!

On October 24th, 2008 Isaac became a true aggie! I've been bugging him for a long time now that we should become true aggies together. He worked until 12:30am that night so when he got home we went and became a true aggie. Isaac's never been to true aggie night, and its quite the site if you've ever been. Definetly a must do :) It was fun for me, because it felt like the first kiss all over again. There's something about standing on a platform with a lot people around. It makes me nervous all over again.

The 4th Picture from the 4th Folder

This was our tag from Mel's blog. This was taken on May 9th, 2008. It was the day that Mac got home from his mission and we went to Hogle zoo before he arrived. It was fun to see all of the nephew's together.